That grammer comment hurt. My statistics are accurate. GW has 250 raters (None of whom are paid by the magazine). A course needs 10 rankings to eliminate the statistical anomolies of one rater loving or hating a course. Assuming 2,000 of the 18,000 US courses are worthy of being considered, than without some recycling each rater would have to play more than 80 courses every year for statistical validity to the rankings.
Again, GW disagree with you by .000833 on PDGC. Bottom line is that (I'm guessing) Brad turned you down as a rater and you have a bone to pick. PDGC is not that bone, it is good enough to be #5. BTW, have you played it? Please answer, because, if so, you are the first person I have ever heard of who did not fall in love wiht the course.