Imagine yourself in a science class of some sort, maybe Physics. Answer the following questions.
Take a ball, any kind of ball. Throw or roll that ball toward a fixed object, like a wall or a tree or a fence or your neighbor's car, so that the ball hits that object instead of continuing in the direction that you threw or rolled the ball. Observe the effect of hitting the fixed object on the flight of the ball.
Does the ball go farther than it would have if you had NOT hit the fixed object, or does the ball go LESS far than if you had not hit the fixed object? Does the ball go faster, the same speed, or slower after striking the fixed object? Why?
When a ball that was thrown or is rolling slows down due to striking a fixed object, such as a wall or a tree or a fence or your neighbor's car, what is the effect of gravity on that ball, should the ball find itself over a hole?
C'mon, guys; this is simple; don't make it more complicated. Flagsticks slow the ball down, and balls that are moving slowly are more likely to drop in the hole. They just are, because golf balls, like pretty much everything else, are governed by the laws of physics in the universe that we inhabit. Duh...