I believe that we generally get the government we deserve. Democratic societies place impossible demands on their governments and suffer the predictable, unfortunate results. Yes, between a rock and a hard place describes things well. I particularly like your last sentiment- play them as you find them and enjoy.
Lou, your post has a lot of assumptions about me or my golf abilities or my mood that day or my politics or finances or what tees I played or which course was busier. You could just ask, and I'll tell you the truth and how much any of them factored into my judgments.
Did I really do that? I thought I was noting that some people confuse "strategy" for tactics or options, which are influenced by some of the factors you note.
I don't need to ask you for further clarification as when it comes to "charm", "romance", uniqueness or "interest", these are extremely nebulous, subjective perceptions that don't really lend themselves to a somewhat objective discussion, IMO. Besides, I have no quarrel that you don't think highly of Turnberry relative to Brora, Nairn, Prestwick, et. al. I've played all but CS that you mentioned and I find Ailsa to have all the variety, beauty and challenge that I "need" or want, plus.
Being that the DG is a public forum and that there is, IMO, a strong bias here in favor of shorter, cheaper, less demanding, less well-known courses, I piped in for the record that there are others who do not feel that way.
BTW, if you are not mistaking Aisla for Balmedie, the $200 million you noted probably includes the acquisition of the courses and hotel (I think that there might be some surplus land as well) in addition to the renovation of both courses. There is a book put out by the architects which does a great job of depicting the history of the club and their proposed changes. I am nearly certain that $200 Million was not spent on the changes to Ailsa.
BTW, if you are bothered by renovations and modernizations, you may want to look at the history of many of the top courses and see just how often they have come under the knife. What iteration of #2 is being played today?
That is what I stated. In fact, just yesterday I was told by a well-travelled golfer who once worked in the UK for a period that Old Head is not to be missed- among his favorites. No doubt that a course's reputation has an impact on expectations and perceptions. Me, I've been disappointed enough times that I check them at the door. Old Head at the retail rate is not in my plans. On the other hand, if I am over there and there is an open day at a decent rate, sure, I'll go have a look.