Having not seen either of them in person, how do McKeller and TGJ compare? Are there any fundamental differences? Does one stand above the other?
Well, for those also curious, I have an answer to my own question. I now subscribe to them both, and ordered the back issues of TGJ. They are both very good, and a huge improvement from the usual drivel, and they both cover slightly different bases. TGJ is a little bigger, a little more high-end, a little more glossy, a little more geared to the average American golfer, and a little fluffier in its writing style. The regular feature where they break down and analyze a notable hole is excellent, as are the pictures.
Despite the names, McKellar is the one that feels more like an industry "journal" full of leading minds writing seriously about the game. At least based on its first issue, I found it to be a more interesting, more engaging read, and to have a more mature, more homespun feel. TGC does an admirable job addressing the issues we tend to care about from a more youthful, more contemporary perspective. McK does the same but from a more learned, more experienced, maybe even more weary perspective. It's also interesting to note how McK almost intentionally eschewed golf porn photography in favor of art and essence.