I chuckled at the first few, call-and-response exchanges. This is a simple premise. Every course has a least-good hole. A tie, perhaps, so we flip a coin. As indicated in the opener, it's not saying that a hole is unfortunately designed; rather, it is the least of a good lot.
The advanced class, the one to which all the brightest minds are appointed, has a student known to be the least advanced of all. She/He might have more enthusiasm, more interest, more real-world application of the material than all the rest combined, but in terms of raw scores, them's the breaks.
When we designate a hole as least good, keep that student in mind. Here you may take my candidates with a fine grain of salt.
Pinehurst #2-6th hole (played)
Merion East-12th hole (played and spectated)
Pacific Dunes-10th hole (played)
Shinnecock Hills-8th hole (spectated)
National GLA-13th hole (spectated)
St. Andrews Old-18th hole (played)