I think part of this is a fashionable aestehtic, but another part is the ecological benefit. From the St Andrews blog in David's post:
"The idea of open sand areas was first suggested back in 2005 in a report written by our ecological advisor Bob Taylor from the Sports Turf Research Institute. An extensive document was produced on how to best manage our increasing population of gorse. Taylor suggested tackling the gorse in several different ways, one of which was to remove the plant in its entirety and any organic material to leave the area open as bare sand. This habitat would be beneficial to invertebrates and the food chain they support."
Encouraged by the Bob Taylor mentioned above who visited us recently at Notts GC as part of our GEO Certification, we are experimenting with similar things in a few areas, though its more a case of leaving bare sand when we've removed gorse, rather than crafting the frilly edges as on some examples. Will let you know how things go.