Joe, I think these highly acclaimed GCAs of the last 25 years have been getting many if not mostly prime land tract sites, mostly sand based, and ideal or conducive to golf design, construction, and turf selections. So, I wonder if they develop there go-to shaping and style trademarks, and often some becomes a bit challenging to distinguish who build what.
Yet, I think all of them would have also definitely departed markedly from what we might call trademark or hallmark design and construction style and shaping principles, had any or all of them had to take many more less desirable in topography and poor soil characteristics for turfing plans and bunker shapes or FW slopes.
I look at Cuscowilla as a bit of C&C departure. I hadn't had the chance to see the east coast Stonewall, Riverview, etc of TDs, nor Rawls. So basically, other than High Point, I hadn't seen anything TD had to consider different ground and topo.
Gil and DeVries seem to come under the same category, where they will use construction techniques that fit the topo, soil and climate, and I just bet a clayey boring site would yield much different ideas and shapes than we are used to seeing from them.
Just my thought, and not widely enough exposed to the broad spectrum of any of their works to be anything more than conjecture.