You know for me, watching golf on television is like playing it with blinders on. You only can really see them play one style of play, and you know if a ball went right or left by how they finish as well as how they react. Yes, you can see if the ball goes right or left too, but how many times have you been fooled, like I have, that it ended up where it did?
This is where I agree with David, you can't see the type of play because of TV as well as that they aren't playing much different other then trying to hold on to dear life by hitting it straight everytime. Shouldn't a cut be rewarded, or a low running draw, or the proper fly of the ball a hill or down? How is a Major tournament supposed to produce the best champion, the one that stayed out of the rough, or the one that utilized ever aspect of his game from driving, approach shots, chipping and putting good enough to win?
To me, Nikita Kruschev Golf (We will bury you) is not my idea of producing the best champion simply because he hung on. I too am glad such an upstanding good individual as Micheel won, but where has he been in the Masters, US Open and British Opens this year, as well as the rest of his career?
All of the results of this years Major unknown champions is the result of course set-up. I'm not taking away from the fact that they have talent in anyway, but are they the best? Do you think every aspect of Tiger Woods game is less then Sean Micheel? What about Ernie Els and Sean Micheel?
When I see what looks to be these really great placed Donald Ross bunkers and the use of the hills and dales he so well included in most of his designs, and where they are actually "safe areas" in the deep rough grass, and are totally oppostie of how they were intended, something's wrong.
Is it bashing? No! It is an opinion, and to further my strong opinion, until we realize that the Game is spiraling out of control, and have a Sanctioning Body that wants to futher prevent it, the Game is coming to a crashing stop not unlike Tennis.