Private destination facilities are always going to have a difficult task sustaining themselves. There have been several major success elements touted as to what separates in general, destination facilities that do well from those that struggle. Clear, sustained commitment to quality presentation, by both the owner AND the management, is crucial.
One of the biggest factors not yet mentioned is the caddie dynamic's postive influence if it is run on a quality level. Secession, on the private side, has nailed that aspect of its presentation from the outset, and is a stellar example of a private facility that has done a superb job. Another caddie club stalwart, Old Memorial in Tampa, while having a strong locals component to its membership, has a solid snowbird contingent that is greatly responsible for their financial health.
The most successful destination golf facilities built in the last 20 years, Bandon Dunes and Kingsbarns, both had caddie programs from the start. Bandon's program was mediocre at the outset, but they weathered the inconsistent, early years and have evolved into a caddie program of quality(though the white suits need to go!).
Kingsbarns benefited from poaching some disgruntled St. Andrew's caddies looking for less oppressive conditions that found greener pastures at KB. The timely opening there, during the Open Championship held at St. Andrew's that year, coupled with Tigermania in full flower, certainly didn't hurt, but make no mistake, those solid caddies enabled the facility to sustain its momentum beyond that as an excellent golf experience.
Of some recent destination golf entries, Dormie Club continues to limp along; without their excellent caddies they'd be dead by now. Streamsong will be interesting to watch; the courses have the goods, the caddie staff, while mostly imported, seems sound, but will it have and retain the "soul" and aura of the game's special places?
I've not played Barnbougle, or places like it yet, so until I do, it will be difficult to judge what that experience will rate for me. I do know that every really special golf destination I've ever come away from quite impressed with had the caddie dynamic on offer in some form. Quality golfing ground and caddie golf just seem to go together in many parts of the world. While I've played some fine courses that never had caddies as part of the equation, the experience at them just doesn't hit the high notes to the level of caddie courses.