Have you not seen any Raynor courses where the style of bunkering looked out of place or clashed with the aesthetics of the property?
Tom, I think every Raynor and CBM course I've ever played* has bunkering the looked out of place and clashed with the aesthetics of the property. Perhaps none worse than Chicago Golf Club.
each and everyone of those courses has been, at a very minimum, fun!
I wonder if Raynor stumbled upon the fact that golf is a sporting adventure and not an art class. Aesthetically pleasing is one thing, but I truly don't believe it is a requirement for good, fun, enjoyable golf.
*To put this comment in context, I've played the following Raynor/CBM courses so far: NGLA, Chicago, Yeamans, Southampton, Lookout Mountain, Shoreacres, Fishers...pretty sure that is all.