Thanks Ian... interesting.
I've spoken to a couple superintendents, and it seems that in Germany golf courses are now forbidden to spray herbicides, and I'm not sure if it fungicides too as one said poa greens will be hard hit by winterkill. Another said he is going to buy seed for overseeding now for next year. I'm going to call the super at Falkenstein and ask him if this is true, and if so how he and his colleagues are planning to handle it.
Meanwhile, back on the farm, the farmers who have built biogas stations and require 180 to 360 Hectares of corn to provide enough biomass will likely be out spraying atrazine on their bare fields in the autumn.
Tony I seeded an entire driving range with it during the construction of Freestone Golf Course near State College, Pa. That was in '04 and I haven't been back since to see how it fared. We hoped to eliminate mowing and fertilization of the range. I can't say if it worked or not. I'd be weary of doing it for fairways. If you get an infestation of other weeds you're pretty much screwed, it's not like you can spray herbicides!