Let's just say I made a "Hillbilly A."
Here are 5 bonus questions I created for you as the test is obviously skewed in favor of the Union. Add any correct answer to your original total (should bring your number of correct answers up into the 'teens).
Who assumed command of the Army of Northern Virginia on June 1st, 1862
a. Peggy Lee
b. F.Lee Bailey
c. R. E. Lee
d. Lee Majors
All of South Carolina is east of North Carolina
a. True
b. False
What are the first words of the Confederate Constitution?
a. Y’all
b. All y’alll
c. We, the people of the Confederate States
d. How do
How many amendments does the Confederate Constitution have?
a. 10
b. More than ten (must leave your shoes on when counting)
c. None, we didn’t have time
d. What’s an amendment
Who was president during World War I?
a. Jefferson F. Davis
b. Jefferson F. Davis
c. Jefferson F. Davis
d. Jefferson F. Davis