Rather than responding with the phrase "I am the evidence," in response to his knowledge of the effects of wind farms on tourism (which comes across as wildly arrogant) perhaps Trump could have done just a bit of homework. I typed in "Wind Farm Tourism" to a library search engine at got scores of results, the first four of which are listed below. Whether he was lied to about future plans for wind farms is certainly a relevant issue, but according to these particular articles from respectable, peer-reviewed journals, it seems wind farms have only minimal effects on tourism/local commerce, and much of that can be mitigated through intelligent planning mechanisms. It might be that Trump does NOT have the evidence.
Riddington, Geoff, et al. “Assessing the Economic Impact of Wind Farms on Tourism in Scotlant: GIS,
Surveys and Policy Outcome.” International Journal of Tourism Research. 12:3, 237-252 (2010).
Frantal, Bohumil and Josel Kunc. “Wind Turbines in Tourism Landscapes: Czech Experience.” Annals of
Tourism Research. 38:2, 499-519 (2011).
Moller, Bernd. “Continuous Spatial Modelling to Analyse Planning and Economic Consequences of
Offshore Wind Energy.” Energy Policy. 39:2, 511-517 (2011).
Landry, Craig E. et al. “Wind Turbines and Coastal Recreation Demand.” Resource and Energy Economics.
34:1, 93-111 (2011).