Le Tigre
Laissez les bonjours roulez!
The restaurant of which I speak in my opening post (
www.michelkayser.com) is the "Alexandre" outside of Nimes which is a legitimate ** place which would bear absolutley no resemblance to any eatery within 500 miles of Bandon.
Monsieur le Marque de Bourgeois
Voyez sur-dessus. Restaurant Alexandre. Voulez vous m'y comper un repas?
Dan Kelly (tm)
There is in fact an historical relationship between The Claw (tm) and the Vulcan death grip, and it is not necessarily the fact that William Shatner is my doppelganger....
....for which thanks, Tony, as well as for the pciture
Good call on the denim coincidences. Do you think there will be a statue to Levi Strauss in Nimes? BTW I'm going to call you "Fatba" from now on just in case I ever need a rhyme with "fitba."
Tout le Monde
It looks as if I'm going to have to figure out how to play Nimes Campagne by myself, on the day, but mercis for all the kind pensees anyway....