Sean, Jon, and Niall- you all raise interesting issues which I wish I could address in the detail they deserve. For whatever reason, my REPLY block or space hits its limit in about two paragraphs, and I don't type well enough to not see what I'm writing. Likewise, I haven't been able to get the PREVIEW function to work. So, I'll try to respond piecemeal, over time.
Niall- did you or Paul consider the construction capabilities when Colt was working? I am more acquainted with MacKenzie and he was a proponent of using labor saving machinery, and was not shy in helping Mother Nature as needed. You may also recall that "connector holes" and awkward or quirky design features were common (and accepted) because of the inability to overcome various site problems.
Sean- I don't understand your math. Are you saying that the local decision was not made by narrowest of majorities and that the local folks were actually against the project in superior numbers? Maybe my reading comprehension or my hearing are not what they used to be. Opinion polls are daily and ongoing. Many politicos design and frame their policies based on polls and focus groups. The science appears to be much better than that used to forecast weather and long-term climatic conditions. (Bottom of REPLY block).
Jon- I am sure I don't understand all the relevant facts, but I may not be as quick to cloak opinions and prefences with that higher status. I confess to a bias toward growth and the dignity of work. I very much enjoy interacting with Nature, but I do not see the environment as an entity separate from human experience. Is it a fact that the SSI was "destroyed"? Apparently Trump didn't believe the alternative was as equally good, or maybe you believe that he enjoys antagonizing people and spending money for their own sake.