That's a fair article, but remember that's more theory then reality in that its the ideal Superintendent in the ideal job.
Personnel manager, communicator, professional, agronomist, resource manager,...its not like any of that is news, you better be good at all of that just to hang on to your job nowadays.
I'd say more rare is the guy who has all of the above and, is knowledgeable and experienced, a learner, and seeks council. Those are traits that come more with some years on the job, and being secure enough to ask for help. Its hard to get to that point when asking for help is viewed as a weakness or experience is equated with being "old".
Add in being a golfer, and more importantly an affection for the game and those who play it and you have someone special on your hands.
After all that, if your fortunate to have a situation where you have the time, and are encouraged, to be a giver and your a very lucky superintendent.