An Executive Golf Course is one of thoes 'Waiting For God' stops where the golfer can to do a big fat zero. No thinking , No walking No mixing or wondering about the beauty of Nature. The course is narrow, suitable for carts driven by chauffeurs, long enough to prove the masculinity of the member be it male or female. Bunkers eliminated as regarded as causing slow play and all golfs balls fitted with traction devices to pull the ball to the appropriate hole.
Nothing is left to chance not even the need for the Executive to get off his Volvo Carts which uses one of its own Crash Test robot dummies (packed in the next bag to the clubs) to take the shot for the Executive while he controls it from his laptop or laptop robot (available for the very Senior Executives) from the passenger vibrating air cooled executive seat in the cart.
Then we have the Doak Ascendance Greens which have tilt mechanisms to increase the angle thus increasing/decreasing the speed, yet the ball will not roll off the Green thanks to the gravity mode which kicks in if the ball appears to be rolling away from the pin.
Hell golf is not easy it’s challenging, yet it has the potential to keep the Executive young as it kills them off due to their poor fitness and health problems.
The Executive Golf Club will even inter your body under the Greens using the Doak Deceased Driver, but maintenance cost can be extortionate due to the additional attachments available, i.e. incinerators, mummification options; Culling the wife and mistresses and having the Ferrari serviced every three months or 3,000 mile, just in case they find away to bring one back to life.
What ever happened to that enjoyable 3 hour game while embracing life and the glory of Nature at her very best.
Just a thought