...Ol' Sugarloaf Mountain is still alive and well in the world of Fiction, for it shows up in Omar El Akkad's apocalyptic novel "American War", a tale about a family from the Bayou and how America's second Civil War, set around the year of 2075, takes it's toll and seals it's fate on this American family of 5, the Chestnuts.
Anyways, the story dabs with rising temperatures and sea levels (along with drones, suicide bombers, and arms being shipped from the Middle Eastern Empires aid the "Free Southern States)...and so, most of the coastal states have lost ground to the encroaching sea...the town of Augusta is seen as a shipping dock for "The Free Southern States", and the state of Florida is all but gone, except that is, for Sugarloaf ( Mountain ), which I believe is the highest point in the Sunshine State, thus it hypothetically survives the rising ocean and is known as "Sugarloaf Detention Facility", a Guantanamo Bay of sorts, a rock out in the "Florida Sea", used by the "Blues" to make captives of the Southern Rebellion "sing"...dark story, I know.
Not really too golf related, far from it, but, interesting that the site still survives when the country does not...so yes, perhaps their is hope...MAGA.
...here's a map that is shown on the opening pages, and an excerpt from the book, describing Sugarloaf in it's future state.