I took over from Art Fuller (forgot his real name) a few years ago. I add course pictorials which at least have hole numbers (a major problem with a few of the pictoral sites) and usually with some commentary. Of course I have missed many tours as they are easy to miss. I gave out the password info Ed Oden and expect he has added some courses. I have been reluctant to make the password public as it easy to delete tours (some have disappeared and I am not quite sure how) and I wouldn't want to see that happen. In any case, the site was started because Ran has never made a provision on his site to at the very least preserve the best of these tours and that is a short sighted cryin' shame. If someone who is keen wants to take over they can be my guest. Its a job that should be shared among a few people so things aren't missed, but I haven't bothered to ask for help or for a successor until now.