A lot of what has been said in this topic – as regards the bumpiness of the greens – I believe could be alleviated if we didn't have this fascination with green speeds. I wonder if those that set-up our golf courses could accept speeds of 8 or 9 on the stimpmeter, then the grass on the greens could be a little longer, and this, particularly on greens with more than one turf-grass species in them, would allow grasses with a more upright growing habit to support the ball when it rolled over the seedheads of other grasses (e.g. poa annua).
On some of our older courses this acceptance would also allow the hole to be cut in areas of the green where it currently can't thus reduce wear and compaction by increasing the useable area of the green.
We should not be at all concerned with the colour or speed of our greens (especially the uniformity of speed- what nonsense!), just the smoothness. Only then will putting return to being the art-form it is.