What do the following two comments have in common:
"I fear engaging you further will throw a good thread way off the track, but I'll ask you anyway since you made the statement. What exactly have I said about White's role at Ravisloe, and what about what I've said reads too much into Bauer's comments? Could you please point to a specific post I made?"
"Phil, I see my fear that you would try to sidetrack this thread was well founded. In your previous post you were discussing Ravisloe and how I misread Bauer's comments. I've highlighted the one excerpt I've mine that you have quoted. I said White had been involved with the redesign of Ravisloe. How is that misreading what Bauer wrote?"
The answer is that you complain about sidetracking the thread yet you ask questions of me anyway and then BLAME ME for sidetracking the discussion! Sorry tom, but that is disingenuine at the very least. You are very quick to ask questions and then complain when no one answers them even when they have no true bearing on the discussion. Here's an example:
"I'll ask you since no one else seems to be able to answer my question. What golf courses had Raynor designed by January, 1915?"
You asked it several times and then complained when no one answered it, yet it has absolutely no bearing on the question posed as to who is the architect of North Shore. How can I say it, let me quote the same answer I've now posted several times, including the question that YOU have not answered despite having been asked several times:
"George Bahto can answer that better than I. But let me ask you, WHY DOES THAT QUESTION MATTER? According to the records of the club that Steve has produced, Seth Raynor was hired on November 5th 1914 to advise on course design issues. On January 26 1915 the club "approved plans by Raynor for a new golf course." So whether this would be his 1st, 5th or 101st golf course design doesn't matter because the INDISPUTABLE FACT remains that RAYNOR was hired by North Shore for the express job of golf course architect. So again, in case you missed it, based on that set of facts, what possible relevance does the question "What golf courses had Raynor designed by January, 1915" have?"
If I wanted to sidetrack this thread I might mention how on the Merion threads you took Tom Paul to task even going to the extreme of stating that he had PURPOSEFULLY ALTERRED club minutes because he had not quoted from them properly. Do you think that YOU should also be held to this standard? You said, "That is not exactly true. The quote above (that you ignored) said Raynor laid out the course with the active cooperation of White, and their plan was hanging on the wall."
THEIR PLAN? Let's look at what the minutes ACTUALLY state:
"On March 13, 1915, at the Club’s Annual meeting, it was reported that the original course was under 5000 yards and that Raynor was hired, with the active and intelligent cooperation of White, and have laid out a course, the nature of which can be seen on the diagram in the office of the Harmonie Club."
Again, where does it use the phrase "THEIR PLAN?" When did "the diagram" change to THEIR PLAN?"
Am I accusing you of what you accused Tom Paul? NO. I am accusing you of being convenient in how you choose to quote from the minutes so as to use an interpretation rather than what was written.
So Tom, There are a number of questions that I've asked you in the last page or two that you haven't answered as well as points made in direct contradiction to statements you've made on this thread that you conveniently don't comment on and keep steering away from. I am quite content to let them sit and accept your non-answers in response. Just don't accuse me of sidetracking the thread as I didn't raise the original points that I commented on... you did.