Mr. Huckaby:
Consider your bluff called. I WILL PLAY ALL THREE ROUNDS if you play the event on the three munis.
But it's not going to happen. Too many people are participating because of "access," is the way I've read these threads.
Only problem is, I'm not in charge of it. It's Kyle Henderson and Patrick Kiser. But I know where my vote now goes, if I have a vote, which I don't. If the logistical problems could be overcome, an event like this would be fun. And getting you out for it would be quite fun also, Tom. And allow me to call you Tom, as you may call me the same. Mr. Huckaby isn't even my Dad.
Quite seriously though, my comments from before (regarding logistical issues) stand. It is a ROYAL pain to do events at these courses. I know, I have done events at each. Harding is somewhat doable (but expensive), the other two... man I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. And I consider Kyle and Patrick to be friends. And you wanna talk pace of play problems? We sure can't kick out the general public. Rounds here would make the 5.5+ hrs spent at Rustic seem speedy.
As for the rest, heck I see nothing wrong with folks wanting to play a course they otherwise couldn't. Should the participants in this recent one have refused to play Sherwood, and sought out Balboa muni instead?
Also I sure hope Tommy's "challenge" was light-hearted... this has never been about one-upsmanship, and the NorCal events have previously taken place at many fine courses, both public and private.
In any case, Robert Ball hit the nail on the head - just do it, guys. Suggestions here can be taken and disregarded. Oh I continue to offer way more than my two cents only because I've done these before and thus may have something to offer... but feel free to disregard me also.