Interesting and timely thread.
We are in the middle of a hellacious controversy at our club on this very subject.
Our superintendent is in his second season at the club and he is one of the finest agronomists that I have ever seen. His particular brand of alchemy has produced more healthy turf on the entire golf course and particularly on the greens than we thought possible. The result is that the greens putt differently, there is nothing wrong with them, they are just different, there is a lot more grass on them. We are used to hitting twenty foot putts that you can literally read the label on the ball for the last foot of the putt and then watch it fall in to the hole. Now, if the putt doesn't have enough speed on it to hit the back of the hole it won't go in. The pace is such that the ball has to have enough speed on it at the hole that if it misses it will roll two feet past, not unreasonable, isn't Dave Peltz "magic" pace twenty inches past the hole or something?
This phenomena has caused a hue and cry from the membership that is unbelievable. For the first time that anyone can remeber guests probably have an advantage putting because they are more likely to just read "what is" rather than what "used to be." I probably miss more putts now because of memory putting than most because I have been around the place for so long, but that is my problem not the greens, I just can't bring myself to hit it hard enough especially on downhill putts.
This past weekend the members were all over the Green Chairman and superintendent for what really is a non problem, there is more healthy tight turf on the greens than ever before and call it grain,texture,whatever,the ball needs more speed at the hole to hold its line,period. With our severe contours and change in roll characteristics, the greens are even more challenging.
I think to a degree that we have acheived a "Huntingdon Valley" success and yet the majority of members are screaming. I even heard a group second guessing all the tree removal saying that all the sunlight and air circulation has "allowed too much grass to grow." Imagine!
I say, bring on the grain, and support your local superintendent, send the whiners to Bob Rotella and Dave Peltz putting school,sheesh!