Rick--I actually am an instructor, so take my advise however you want to take it. I may suggest taking a lesson from a new instructor, just to see if he may be able to see anything different. If you don't want to do that (and I certainly understand why you would not), there are a few simple ways to check your basic fundamentals (which is most of what I teach in lessons anyway)
1. Check ball position-I like to use a Practice-T from EyeLine Golf, they cost about $50 from Golfsmith, but I think they are worth it. I'm not going to tell you where to put the ball in your stance, but use the T and make sure its in the same place every time. Also, I feel this can be used for everyone: point the handle/grip of the club at a point about 2 inches left of your belt buckle (the little loop on the belt works as a good point to look for)
2. Check your grip-Whatever you normally have. Likely you can see two knuckles on your left hand, thats reasonably neutral. Again, make sure you grip the same each time.
3. Check alignment-Certainly if you are using the Practice T, it will line you up right as well as ball position. Check feet AND SHOULDER alignment. Shoulder alignment is most key. Make sure the shoulders are lined up parallel left of the target (if you are right-handed) Feet can be a little bit off line (Ben Hogan actually varied his feet alignment based on which club he was using. I do not advise this for you given your current state of swing)
4. Get someone to look at your posture-Make sure you don't have some huge arch in your back and that your weight is not well out on your toes or something like that. A good way to tell if your weight is balanced: Hang a club from your shoulder and it should point at the tip of your toe or maybe an inch or so in either direction. More than an inch in either direction and you are "out of balance."
I also think the Momentus Power Hitter Iron works very well to train your swing. It can be used to hit real golf balls, unlike the other Momentus clubs. I hope this information helps. PM me if you need anything else.