From "Pittsburgh Business Times," June, 2007:
A six-person group has taken ownership of the 450-member Youghiogheny Country Club in Elizabeth Township.
The group, which is made up of current members of the club, is led by John Goodrum, president of Lowber-based Basic Carbide Corp.
Goodrum said that he and the other owners made the acquisition by paying the club's debts of about $2 million -- $1.48 million for the club's 219 acres and $500,000 for its remaining assets.
"We acquired all the debt, all the liabilities and all the assets," he said. "And we agreed to put $2 million into the club in improvements. Our long-term goal is to make this thing go as a country club."
Plans involve opening the club to non-members, who will be charged $50 per person for use of the club's restaurant facilities and $250 per person to play on the golf course.
Previously run as a not-for-profit, owned by its membership, the club will now be run as a for-profit enterprise, open to the public.
The groups other members include Norman and Dean McHolme, partners at Elizabeth-based McHolme Construction Co., Ocie Yarborough, Dr. Rudolph Buck and Robert Johnson.
Featuring an 18-hole golf course, main building pool, lounge and fitness center, the club is located at 1901 Greenock Buena Vista Road.
According to Goodrum, in a change of club policy, the new ownership group will not levy assessments on current members.
Plans also include high-end condos to be built on part of the property.