"I know, like, and greatly admire both men and I think you are quite correct that their philosophy comes from different points in time. We can't forget that they work for an organization that has a Competition Committee which has great influence on setup philosophy. Over the course of time, that thinking changed. It so happens that it changed in a manner that suits this gca crowd, but Mike Davis and his committee changed because they learned things as the game changed in the past ten years."
I think that statement of yours is very true and very prescient, even if it implies a whole lot more than it actually says.
I sort of hesitate to say what I'm about to for a number of reasons, but in my opinion, and in many ways, the USGA really does have something of a "closed shop" attitude about some of the things they think and do and say.
I certainly realize that a lot of people look at that as the USGA being sort of close-minded or even standoffish or elitist. I don't look at them that way at all really and this is after years of dealing with them in many ways and many areas. I think that kind of attitude is basically just borne out of the fact that in so many areas that they deal in with golf----Rules, handicapping, championship setups etc, they just get sort of overwhelmed and gunshy hearing so many different opinions from so many different people telling them that their way is better than anyone else's way including the USGA's way. In many ways, this particular website is probably the best and most visible expression of people telling them that some other way is better than the USGA's way.
I mean really, there is only so much of that any organization can take!
I've had a couple of really terrific conversations with Mike Davis about architecture, setups, green speed, green surface firmness, "through the green" firmness and width etc, etc. The only thing I never did talk to him about was this idea of graduated rough which really may be his own unique idea. That is just something that never occured to me.
But in all those conversations it just seemed to me we were so much on the same page and most of those conversations were before Oakmont and Torrey even though one was after Oakmont.
But at the end of one early conversation Mike Davis said something to me that I will never forget, and I think of it all the time and it really resonates. I think it's just a really intelligence and realistic thing for someone like that to say to someone like me, and it's what I sort of hesitate to say on here but I'm going to anyway because I think it's so important at this point on this particular subject.
What he said at the end of that early conversation was: "It's been nice talking with you about all this and I'm glad for these kinds of discussions but don't forget I have my bosses too."
I know you know where he was coming from on that and where I am too. But that was then and this is now. Back then he didn't know how it would all play out apparently even if his new philosophy was clear to him and to me. Now he knows and so do most of the rest of us. It was just a real success and hopefully now his bosses are just about totally onboard with his new philosophy. Frankly, I couldn't possibly imagine why they wouldn't be!