The Golf Course Builders has some generalized cost guides that might be of help. Here are the basic costs from a recent project, but as noted, site conditions make bids vary considerably.
For example, for shaping, is it one bunker or an entire cousre. The price will vary, but for a typical 2000 sf bunker it might look like this
Move In, Staging, Tests LS 1,000.00 1,000.00
Strip Topsoil and Replace 120 CY 3.00 360
Shaping LS 2500 2500
Spray Weeds 2000 SF 0.05 100
4" Perforated Tile - 20'Spacing 200 LF 7.00 1400
6" Perforated Pipe 20 LF 8.00 160
Flush Outs/Catch Basins 2 EA 75.00 150
Cut Bunker Edge 300 LF 6.00 1800
Purchase Fabric Liner
(SandMat400) 2200 SF 0.50 1100
Install Fabric Liner 2000 SF 1.00 2000
Purchase Sand- 4" Depth 2000 SF 1.00 2000
Place Sand ($70 PER TON) 2000 SF 0.40 800
Banks and Edges 10,000 SF 0.35 3500
TOTAL 13,370.00
Biggest variables are sand cost, which I have seen between $10 and $100 per ton, and going up with trucking, the decision to use liner.
Project size matters, too. We did an entire course with similar costs for about $346,000, translating to just over $4 per sf. There rather than the $7 for a single bunker above.
We had alternate bids for getting rid of existing sand in that, and hauling materials off can raise bids substantially, This presumes you can bury every thing on site.
BTW, its also the average of the three low bids. I suspect you could get all those unit costs down a little bit with in house labor, a good bid whatever.
Sorry for the formatting.......