Sounds like a cool hole. Any links to the club web site or way to post a pic to make sure I understand it completely?
I agree to a degree. But I have heard tour pros up to and including Jack Nicklaus describe their strategy and its almost always to avoid bunkers off the tee and get in the fw somehow.
And, if we make the approach angle just that much more appealing, I have always wondered if we really have a strategic hole, or just a penal hole in disguise? If the fw bunkers are on the right, for example, but the green is angled and sloped so that it will not hold at all from the left to justify taking the risk of hitting right off the tee, haven't we just created a "hit it here or else" hole that appears to be just a little more strategic? If the green is near impossible to hit from the left, and its a sure bogey, I think we have.
If its harder to hit from the left, then perhaps its strategic, but are there really any good options for the golfer? I can risk bogey by being in a blast out trap or risk not holding the green by playing safe.
The devil is in the details and it is, as you suggest a fine line and difficult balancing act.