As the years pass, I can't help but acknowledge how much my life has evovled from experiencing this web site. Most of the really geeky stuff just seems to get better and better.
Today, I was allowed the privledge to accompany a course owner, on a tour of his backnine, with one of the great artisans of the craft, Dan Proctor.
For those who don't know, Dan teams with Dave Axland, they are otherwise known as The Bunker Hill Boys. Courses which bare at least one of their marks, are just too numerous to lists. But off the top of my head are; Sand Hills, Riviera, Wild Horse, Ballyneal, Colorado Golf Club and their recent project in Georgia, Blue Ridge __?__ to be completed next year.
Dan was looking to punch-up the owner's backnine, by suggesting a few strategically placed bunkers. Watching the procesies of the artist, was thrilling in the geekiest sense. the marrying of the practical with the art was also evident. (i.e. Drainage Drainage Drainage)
But the moment that was worth the price of admission was when Dan, went over to this most subtle of inclines (mound; not really) and made the comment about using it as the starting point for his work.
Now, I think I'll go write Ran a check, for my continued use of his insightful cyberspace.
Thanks Mate!