With apologies to all for being O/T, I accidently received a private email making fun of others and my 'distance comments'. The newspaper reporter said something about getting ordained, starting the 'Church of the Almighty Persimmon', and getting tax exempt status. Fair enough. I laughed.
My reply to him was :
Well, if a 19 year old plays at 7000 yards and only hits 8 irons, 9 irons and wedges, you know he will be by-passing your club when (if) he actually joins a golf club. You need to think about doing something.
But I imagine my friend, if you were preaching, the service might go something like this.
" Now brother, can't you see the light. Don't you see a new golf ball coming down from the heavens.
Come on up and join hands in the circle.
Brother you can be saved. I know you can be saved. You can hit it further and have more fun. Say praise the Pro V.
Don't you see the light. Here at the Church of the Unrepentant Midget Hitters, we hope your visit provided some new word, the word of new distance never seen before, some new enthusiasm. Let's all go to page 666 in the hymnal and sing, 'Praise Unto The Pro V.'
As you leave the Church, please remember that you are required to use the envelop as we need more land to enlarge the sanctuary, and need to build new pews and expand the doorways. You will be billed anyway so why not donate.
Do not forget to pick up the church bulletin about Wednesday night service, 'A New Year, A New Driver'. Brother Callaway will give a brief testimonial about seeing the face of Titanium in the pond at Augusta."