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Donnie Beck

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Where did you start playing?
« on: March 09, 2005, 07:31:29 PM »
The Connecticut golf post got me thinking of where I came from and where I am now. I am curious as to where everyone else on here started playing golf. I guess I started playing in my early teenage years. I started by caddying for my father when he would play, and then started beating it around the range until I could hit it well enough to play on my own. My father and uncle had an after 5pm membership at Pequot Golf Club in Connecticut and we were at the course almost daily. They had their weekly foursome that played at different clubs throughout the state each weekend so I was back to caddying on those days. My junior year of high school my cousin was playing on the golf team that played their matches at Pequot and one day superintendent John Allen asked if anyone on the golf team wanted a summer job. I my cousin wasn’t old enough at the time so he told me about it. At the time it paid very well $7 and most importantly free golf. That was it I was hooked. I started out working in the pro shop after school. I would collect the greens fee receipts on the 1st tee to make sure the league golfers had paid before they played. Once the league members were off I was free to play golf until they finished playing and then I would park the carts. On weekends I would work as a starter on the 1st tee then try to Marshall during the day. (A 16 yr. old kid truing to tell someone to speed up was a joke, but oh well it was a job).  Once school let out for the summer John asked if I was interested in working on the grounds crew. My days working in the pro shop were over. I worked through the summer and really enjoyed the work. John was a great boss. Tuesdays were slow days for us so after we finished mowing greens John would take us to other golf course to play each week. It was great to get out and see other courses. I think it was during this time that I started noticing how each course was a little different and what I liked about certain courses.
Anyway I was a golfoholic during this time. Once my cousin was old enough he joined the crew and he and I and two other guys on the crew would get up at 4:30am and play 9 holes when daylight would allow before we had to be at work at 6am. We would then wait for the leagues to finish and play til dark with our fathers. We lived at the course. This went on for a few years and when I finished high school I didn’t really have any plans. I decided to go to a local community college. I continued to work at the course while I was in school. Around this time John decided he was going to get married and move back to Massachusetts. At the end of the season he moved and I was left as interim superintendent. It was during this time I realized this is what I wanted to do. Chris Ryan took over as Superintendent the next season and I worked with him for one year, but it wasn’t quite the same so I moved on to a little private course New London Country club.
By this time I realized if I wanted to get a job as superintendent I needed to go to turf school. I looked into the usual Umass and URI, but out of state tuition was pretty steep. I was thumbing through some trade magazines and saw an ad for a little school in TX Grayson College that offered Golf Course and Turfgrass management. I made a phone call and scheduled a trip for an interview and my Cousin and I were off.  This was our 1st road trip across country. We made it down to TX and looked things over. The school had a golf course on campus so that was a bonus. After talking it over with the director of the turf program and talking with the financial aid person we were in. Grayson offered book and dorm scholarships to out of state students and with the help of a pell grant we went to school for basically free. Little did we know that TX is in the heart of the bible belt and the dorm’s didn’t allow girls in the rooms, so we quickly declined the dorm scholarship and found a condo close by the campus.
The time in Texas was exciting. We learned all about this weed called Bermuda grass that they played golf on. No seriously it was a good time. We had about 50 students in the turf program and 75% of us came from out of state. We were a wide range of people from different backgrounds. We had an ex LPGA player who was getting into golf course management, a few older oil men who were taking advantage of retraining from the oil companies, a golf course owner who was going through the process for his own good, but mostly we were young kids. We were a pretty close group. Being poor we played quite a bit of golf on campus. It wasn’t much of a golf course, but the price was right FREE. Having the course on campus the programs biggest asset. We had many labs right out on the course and had the courses equipment to work on in mechanical class. We took several field trips and saw many of the courses in the Dallas metro area, Colonial being the cream of the crop. I worked part time on the college course for a little extra money and many of the other students worked at other area courses and I had the opportunity to work as a temp at several clubs during aerification week.
Once I finished school it was back home to Connecticut. When I was younger my father owned a small engine shop and had ground reels for several local golf courses, so I tried beating down those doors looking for a job. This brought me to see Bob Chalifour at Shennecossett Golf Club. Bob didn’t have any work, but suggested I contact Bob Johns at Fishers. One thing lead to another and here I am 12 years later.

Donnie Beck

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2005, 07:36:30 PM »
I don’t expect anyone to go into the detail I did, but where did you start playing golf and where do you play now. It is funny what life brings at times.

Scott Coan

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2005, 07:55:55 PM »

I started out not too far from you in southeast Mass. (Hatherly) and started the same way - hauling my father's bag around.  My older brother was the caddie master and back then there were times when we would have 30+ kids in search of bags.  I endured all sorts of "caddie courts", sand-wedgies, you name it.  No better way to be introduced to the game and it's a shame that caddying is a bit of a dying institution.

Anyway, I now play my golf at Paraparaumu Beach in New Zealand some 8000 miles away!  Never in a million years would I have guessed that I'd be chasing the white ball on such a neat course in such a far flung location.  I still miss New England and try my best to get back every few years.



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Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2005, 08:10:28 PM »
My story is nothing like these so far--I came from a family who thought of golf as the ultimate waste.  People who went to country clubs were there to drink (great Bible Belt attitudes).  Had a friend who was a member of a country club so we went one day (I was about 18).  First obstacle--I am a lefty, club had only right handed clubs, so I learned to play backwards for me.  Got hooked immediately.

Found LH set consisting of 3-wood, 3 irons and a putter at a yard sale, and basically turned my home's yard into a pitching course, from one tree to the next.

At about the same time, a nine hole executive course opened about 5 minutes from my house.  Three dollars for 9 holes or 2.50 for a large bucket and the place became my second home.  Learned to play there and love the game as much as ever.

Expecting my first child in about 6 weeks, so hopefully I can pass the game on to him, with a little more respect than my family gives it.


Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2005, 08:13:50 PM »
First course was the Ran reviewed Walnut Lane by Alex Findley in Philly:

However, I played more at Cobbs Creek in Philly by Wilson.

Caddied at Whitemarsh by Thomas and Bala by Flynn. Obviously my "Old Dead Guy" education started early.

Joe Hancock

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Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2005, 08:55:36 PM »

After 10 years in NC, then moving back to Michigan in 1993, I now find myself as an owner of the golf course I grew up on. I partnered with a PGA guy who happens to be my wife's cousin to buy it in 1997.

After 4 different constructions and new found opportunities, I'm not really hanging my hat on any particular thought process about what the future may hold.

" What the hell is the point of architecture and excellence in design if a "clever" set up trumps it all?" Peter Pallotta, June 21, 2016

"People aren't picking a side of the fairway off a tee because of a randomly internally contoured green ."  jeffwarne, February 24, 2017


Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2005, 09:02:06 PM »

Growing up, I played baseball all day everyday for most of my childhood.  One of my friends played golf and he and I set up a little 5 hole course around Plymouth Valley Baptist Church in Plymouth Meeting, PA (before the mall).  Thinking back now, I used that little meandering creek so well on a few holes, but this par 4 I made was really good.  You had to cross the creek twice; a bit like a shorter version of the 4th at Cobb's Creek which I wouldn't see for 10 or more years down the road.  My green site was better!  They've changed the hole progression a few times, but you know which one I mean, right Mike Sweeney?

Now I play at Rolling Green GC and enjoy living in the land of Flynn.  Cheesesteaks and the best golf district I know.  Life is good.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2005, 09:03:07 PM by Wayne Morrison »


Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2005, 09:18:09 PM »
Wayne doesn't seem to want to tell you about his addictive bike-riding! It was sick. All I can say is Lance Armstrong is damn lucky Wayne the duffus stopped riding and started playing golf!


Mike McGuire

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Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2005, 09:18:46 PM »
When i was 11 years old I hitch hiked 5 miles to Milwaukee CC (top 100 classic) to caddy. I dont remember how it got started because I or no one i knew golfed.  

On tuesdays caddies got free lessons from Manuel de la Torre (a top 100 teacher). Mondays we got to play.

Talk about the planets lining up. First of all who lets an 11 year old hitch hike in the city anymore. And then for the first golf course i ever saw to be top 100 , and the first lesson from top 100 teacher...and at the time thinking.. whatever this is normal....

Last year at age 46 i was struggling with my game and went back to Manuel for a lesson..after all the golf digest tips and uereka moments i had come full circle back to that same piece of ground.

Took Manuel about 15 minutes...had me stripeing it like a kid again.


David Kelly

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Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2005, 09:22:03 PM »
My first few rounds were at a Par 3 course in Colton, California called Sunset Dunes which was designed by Robert Trent Jones, Sr.  Everyone called it "Sam Snead's" because Snead owned it.  It had 18 holes but at any given time there were probably about 1500 gopher holes out there.

The first time I ever played I was 12 years old.  I was playing with two friends of mine and when we got to the first green one of us took out the flagstick and gently tossed it onto the green.  The GM of the course saw this from his office and walked about 300yds out to the green and proceeded to give us a lecture on golf etiquette that took so long 3 or 4 groups played through.  We had only dropped the flagstick about 12 inches at most but I am indebted to the old guy for at least setting me straight from the beginning on how you should behave on the golf course.
"Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent." - Judge Holden, Blood Meridian.


Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2005, 09:26:54 PM »

Sometimes we need to remember where we came from to realize how good we have it.

A small public golf at a small course called Pickering Golf Club (now called Seaton). The key was the club had an assistant named Graham Gunn who loved to give free lessons to the "kids" on Mondays. Course was tolerent of us and actually encouraged us to learn more about the game. Clayton Cary ran the place. The next assistant pro was one Kevin Thistle (runs Angus Glen), who is now yearly named the best pro in Canadian golf in an opinion poll in Score.

Rode my bike to the course until I was old enough to work, which forever got in the way of my handicap.

I still go back for a pure rush of nostolgia. ;D

Thanks for the wonderful memory Donnie!


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2005, 09:30:27 PM »
Plattsburgh NY, up near the Canadian border. I was walking through a flea market and saw clubs for sale for $5. I had never played golf or knew anyone who did, but I just thought, what the heck I'll give it a try. My dad was in the Air Force and they had a nine-hole course. My cousin and I went out to the 4th hole along the road (a par 3) and started hitting the ball and figuring out how to get it in the hole. I've been playing ever since and haven't had a lesson (maybe thats my problem :)).
  I took up sailing the same way, saw a sailboat for sale when I was 17, thought what the heck...
"Perimeter-weighted fairways", The best euphemism for containment mounding I've ever heard.


Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2005, 09:30:56 PM »
In 1990 I was working on location in Chicago, and I noticed on our one day off, half the crew seemed to always go golfing. I was not a golfer but I certainly resented anyone else having fun if I was not part of it.

Another guy and I went to a driving range to practice and every now and then I would hit one that felt pretty great....and you all know the rest of that story.

The next year, I went on location for 2 months to Montana then 2 months in Ireland. I played with the crew guys in Montana but once I hit Ireland, I played golf whenever possible--not just Sundays. Royal Dublin, Portmarnock and whatever else was in and around Dublin.

The best thing I took away from my time in Ireland, was playing briskly; match play instead of stroke and the pleasure of good "crack" (conversation).


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2005, 09:35:46 PM »
crappy city of Chicago course with rubber mats for tees and the SLOWEST greens in the history of the planet

and we took our clubs on a city  bus to get there!
199 played, only Augusta National left to play!


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2005, 09:45:14 PM »
When I was 14, I worked in a department store in my hometown of Mullins, SC. My boss was an avid golfer and a member of the local club. He gave me my first set of clubs, which was a collection of his old rejects, and introduced me to the game at Dusty Hills Country Club.  I have cussed him many times during the past 48 years.
"Crusty"  Jim
Freelance Curmudgeon

Mark Brown

Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2005, 10:01:53 PM »
Glenwood GC, Erie,Pa
9 hole muni, $15 per year
1 par 5, 3 short 4s and 5 par 3s from 170 to 215 yards
Nice bent greens - with at least 5% slope. Learned to keep it below the hole
The zoo was left of the first hole -- a hood over the fence was called a buffalo ball

There were fences by tees for safety. We should have worn helmets.


Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2005, 10:02:30 PM »
My parents both played, and around 6yrs old they took my brother and I to a place called Burroughs Farms in Brighton, MI.  It was this place that had an 18 hole course and a 9 hole executive course ("The Little Course").  They offered these lessons from 8-12 on Fridays with a bunch of kids in different age groups.  The Doolings (sp?) taught us the fundamentals and at the end of each day we'd have a challenge to see if we were making progress.  A couple of times a season we'd have a tournament on The Little Course, and your age group would determine how many holes you played.  Won my first tournament by 7 shots...but the game has been giving it back to me every since.

Come to find out later that Doug Sobieski also grew up playing that course...small world.  Unfortunately the "Little Course" is now NLE and the 18 hole course has been completely redesigned.  I wish every little kid got the opportunity to play a course like that.  It built alot of character and confidence.  I'm not sure I would have kept playing if I had started on the big course.  

Back then golf was just one of the sports we used to play.  We didn't have a course near our house, or at least one where we had access, so my brother and I would invent courses in the neighborhood and play with real balls and 9irons.  We played shots that looked alot like that picture from Rich Harvest....over the house, off trees, across the street.  One of my favorite things to do was going to the local high-school field with my dad and hitting the balls in his shag bag.  It forced you to learn accuracy because he wouldn't let us leave until every ball was found.  Does anyone shag their own balls anymore?  What a great way to practice!

Played three years on the high-school golf team and then quit to play football my senior year because a coach convinced me that you can play golf forever and football only lasts a short time....he was right.  But mom was not happy because I was supposed to be captain of the team that year.  Oh well...

Essentially gave up the game from 1990-2001 as I was playing baseball all the time, working, or traveling.  Finally got back into when my brother moved down to NC.  For me it's always been about playing with friends and family.  Tournaments were fun, but not enjoyable.  

« Last Edit: March 09, 2005, 10:17:44 PM by Brian_Gracely »

Steve_ Shaffer

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Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2005, 10:07:44 PM »
After playing JV baseball for 2 years, I made the varsity in my senior year but was told that the "hot 10th grade prospect" at second base won the job. In protest, I left the team and hooked up with the golf team . We "practiced" at the Burholme Park driving range where I went in the summers "to hit balls." Our home course was the venerable Philly muni- Juniata.
I had ventured there a few times before joining the team. My mode of travel(and the teams as well) was the bus as not many of us had cars then. When I had access to a car, I would play Cobbs Creek and Karakung in West Philly.
At college, I had my first lessons and played the Penn State White course(the only course there then.)
In law school, the previously mentioned Walnut Lane was the place to play for Temple Law students- no private clubs for us....yet.
"Some of us worship in churches, some in synagogues, some on golf courses ... "  Adlai Stevenson
Hyman Roth to Michael Corleone: "We're bigger than US Steel."
Ben Hogan “The most important shot in golf is the next one”

Tyler Kearns

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Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2005, 10:08:53 PM »
Began playing at 5yrs old, at Ross' Elmhurst Golf Club in Winnipeg, Canada. We usually headed out rather late when the course wasn't busy, and I'd stuff a few clubs in my father's golf bag. It didn't take long until I was hooked, and began practicing constantly while waiting for my dad to complete his morning round, before we'd head out in the afternoon. I am as addicted today as ever, thanks dad  ;D.


Steve Lang

  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2005, 10:14:17 PM »
Ottawa Park, Toledo Ohio, 2nd grade (1960) with my mom's putter and 7 iron.. it was about 300 yds away.. play to it and back home across some lawns etc.. Legacy from 1908/1916 & site of first USGA AM Publinx 1922.

The Woodlands CC, northside of Houston.. former home of SHO..The TPC, now our East course. part of 99 holes of fun.

Inverness (Toledo, OH) cathedral clock inscription: "God measures men by what they are. Not what they in wealth possess.  That vibrant message chimes afar.
The voice of Inverness"


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2005, 10:25:03 PM »
At age 11, I Played as a guest of my next-door neighbor at Augusta CC.Turns out as I told my dad that night about my day of golf,that we were members there(company perk).
No one in my family played golf,except my father who played about once a year.(but he did have 1 inch extra long '72 fluid feel wilson staffs which I faithfully used from then on out until my first Pings 10 years later)

My mother used to drop me off at 7 and I'd play 18-45 holes daily in the summer,depending on baseball(my first love).
Always played my first round alone in 2 hours,then picked up with whoever was around.36 holes before lunch was routine.

What strikes me now is how simple things were then,no sign in,no problem being out ahead of the mowers(there was literally no one in sight) One pro and his all around guy.
When I go there now there are legions of staff(and a lot more golfers)And you certainly aren't going out ahead of the mowers.

My early rounds were similar to early morning experiences I've had on recent trips in the UK on remote courses.Nobody around,come in the shop when you're done.Every time I smell cut  grass it brings back memories.

"Let's slow the damned greens down a bit, not take the character out of them." Tom Doak
"Take their focus off the grass and put it squarely on interesting golf." Don Mahaffey


  • Karma: +0/-0
Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2005, 10:37:52 PM »
My first golf was played as a 6-year-old with my dad at a 9-hole course with sand greens outside the very small town of Underwood, N.D.

We were Ohioans on the prairie, so of course I'd always pretend to be Jack Nicklaus, while I'd relegate my dad to the role of Billy Casper or Arnold Palmer.

I returned to Underwood a few years ago while researching a magazine article on the Lewis & Clark Trail, but the course no longer exists; a mining company bought the land and built the locals a new golf course with grass greens. I suppose that's progress.

Underwood is most definitely big-sky country. When I visited Ballyneal for the first time last August, it felt like returning to my original golf home: vast vistas, endless early evenings, exhilirating isolation.

Kyle Harris

Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2005, 11:08:46 PM »
I started playing in ninth grade (1997).

During a middle school orientation for high school, we were introduced to all the sports and golf was listed. I thought this was the dumbest idea in the world, so I naturalyl signed up and then thought nothing of it until the coach actualyl called a few weeks before tryouts.

I thought about it, and dug up some clubs from my neighbor's garage (with permission of course). He had an assortment of irons and the set definately wasn't matched. During try outs, I could squeeze about 180 out of my 3 wood and have a pretty wicked push slice (I swayed a lot).

First time out was third day of tryouts and I shot a 72 on the front nine at the venerable Five Ponds Golf Club here in Warminster.

SOMEHOW... I made the team, and got bitten by the bug. By the next season I was firing 40-45 per nine and lettered. By my junior year I was captain of the team, and by the time I graduated, had improved 100% from my start and shot 72 for 18 holes.

Then I turned pro... hehe.


Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2005, 11:14:31 PM »
Grew up on Thorny Lea,(Brockton, Ma). This was the home of Mr. Herbert wind. It is a nice Stiles & Van Kleek. Donnie, Play Pequot Golf club three times a year with the Block Island Lions club, we make a day trip of it with about 80 people for a shotgun start. It makes for a hectic round to say the least, as most of us have to race back to get the last boat to the Island. I have a nine hole par three course with many stone walls in play( 6 greens And 9 tees)on my farm on the island that looks at montauk point( 14 Miles). I can see Fishers on the clearest of days from the farm.

Paul Richards

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Re:Where did you start playing?
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2005, 11:30:37 PM »
My first exposure to this great game was when I showed up as a bright-eyed teen at the Beverly Country Club to take my first caddy lesson under the tutelage of the great E.B.

Almost from the get-go, that first day, I fell in love with the game and with the course.

I am so fortunate to be able to play here now as a member.

"Something has to change, otherwise the never-ending arms race that benefits only a few manufacturers will continue to lead to longer courses, narrower fairways, smaller greens, more rough, more expensive rounds, and other mechanisms that will leave golf's future in doubt." -  TFOG


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