Alright John and Tommy,
One of you needs to get a different logo, it is funny how you associate someones logo on here like recognizing their face. When I scroll down and see the logo out of the corner of my eye I automatically think that I know who's post I am reading I dont even look at the name itself, and now we have two identical Dodgers logos. How confusing, I was reading posts that I thought came from someone else and was getting confused. It wasnt until I saw the two posts in a row that I noticed they were from different people.
Tommy, how about getting a Lakers logo, they could use a little good karma right now. My wife is getting on me pretty hard about how the empire is emploding before my very eyes. Shaq for T-Mac and the #1 pick would be the sweetest deal I could imagine possibly coming from this, but it appears T-Mac is heading for Houston.