Yours is the argument of the extremes, predisposing the viewer to the choice of the lesser of two evils.
Pat, You appear to be so isolated in your circle that you fail to realize that your position is the extreme.
Then you characterize my position, in your argument, by having dinner next to a guy who smells badly. Now that is an extreme.
My point is; When I watch the Donald, a man you would support for public office because he has the dough, has to plead with his golfing cronies, on national television, not to cheat, goes to show the mutual exclusivity of being a gentleman and looking like one. There is a difference.
Just ask Dan King over for a round, and tell him there's no dress code.
Jordan, You must've mis-read me to say adam adam adam... Because I was attacking those who assume the sandals are inappropriate attire.
BTW, I just assumed everyone assumed you were the guy in the golf shoes. When I could tell otherwise. Bite sandals are a real treat to golf in.