Interesting post. You may have a point about India given their connection to the British Empire - even today. I am not sure, though, whether India is minting millionaires as fast as China.
Time will tell; wisdom and prognostication will not die with me, although pedantic bullshit might.
The thing about China is that the next generation is going to find all the trappings of wealth, power - and yes, sexual promiscuity - impossible to resist.
Red Ferrari, sexy girl and brand new set of Callaways . . . . .
How is the power structure going to get their party youth to put on thick, itchy wool coats and spout a bunch of hooey about "the people this and the people that?"
It will sound as hollow as that nutbag in Chinatown here in S.F. who stands on the corner of Grant and Broadway with a megaphone, ranting against western culture while he smokes American cigarettes, wearing Nike shoes.
Political dogma has no chance long term when competing with technological gadgets, fine booze and the opportunity to make enough jing to go out to clubs and meet hot pussy.
This goes a bit afield, but I went to USC in the late 70's and early 80's, when we had an enormous population of Iranian students. Each was invariably vocal in their anger at all things American - marching in Westwood and making a nuisance of themselves.
Yet, the parking lot of the Iranian Student Union looked like a Pontiac Trans Am dealership and all that pious, hypocritical adherence to their Muslim horseshit never seemed to extend to the local fern bar, where they drank like fish in their tailored threads, snarling about how America was an evil place.
The closest I ever came to seeing one of those towel heads on a prayer rug was on their knees puking in the bathroom.
So my point is that no totalitarian government, be it a theocracy or otherwise, can survive long term against the march of our Western Culture. They can pretend for a while, but people eventually do what they want whether the Mullahs approve or not.
The same will be true for China - really all of Asia. Golf already has an enormous foothold in South Korea . . . . . the only thing standing between them and the Chinese market is one piss-ant, sawed off little faggot to the north. The next time Kim Jong-il rattles his saber at anybody, I bet he is going to quickly find it shoved in his posterior.
The Chinese are not stupid; fellow communist or not, he is a loose cannon and bad for business.
Get rid of the lunatics in power and all of these countries will take to golf just like they did cell phones and all things risque - it inevitable.
Remember the 9-11 hijackers? What were they doing the night before, reading the Koran? Uh, no, most were swilling booze and finger-banging the pole dancing infidels before they went out and killed a few thousand of us for Allah.
Fads catch on in Asia far faster than Arabia, but the net net is still the same. Neither government can control their people long term, no matter how hard the thumb presses - the horse escaped long ago and there is no going back.
Fifty years from now, China will have its own PGA Tour - funded by the same people who are raking in money with both hands in Macao . . . . . another Communist outpost devoted to capitalism.