Jaka B,
I don't limit the number of courses I deem good or great. Hence, there is no cutoff. No need to compress a finite number of courses into one category, thus displacing others.
Is a course ranked 101 not great ? Not good ?
Some time ago I stated that I tended to categorize golf courses as:
Member friendly
Within those general categories, some of which overlap, I give weight to other considerations.
As an example, two courses might be good courses, similar in many ways, but, one course might be buffeted by almost constant wind, while at the other, wind is not a factor.
Hence, I would make a distinction, and I would prefer the windier golf course.
Each golfer must make their own determination with respect to enjoying and appreciating the courses they play.
I like my method, it suits me, but, I don't try to export it.