Money makes the world go round.
My boss tells me its all a matter of "degrees"...not Phd's etc, but how much money you have to spend.
For example, our chemical budget is less than $40,000. It costs XXX amount of money to buy and put down growth inhibitors. So we limit their use to around bunkers and on the drving range. To do more area, and god knows, they do work, would mean taking money from somehting else? Snowmold protection? Our modest effort at controling weeds? Where do you rob from?
We mow our fairways three days a week, and typically it takes two people about 6 hours...some days longer. Thus, we are in the way of golfers all morning there a solution? Sure, more mowers and more employees...but where does that money come from?
For us, planning and prioritizing is so important because we have limited resources....I feel, and I have been told by others, that our super is as good as they come when we're talking turf care...but what makes this guy so valuable is he can prioritize better, he can organize better, and get better results with fewer resources.