Mike Benham,
1. I was informed by media sources. (Chris Nallen Match)
2. All of the traditions
3. It's the host club's responsibility to retain the design
integrity of their course, not the USGA's.
Dennis Harwood,
Read Rule/Decisions 33-6/1
You're merely reinforcing the departure from tradition, and/or suggesting that the USGA should adopt the PGA rules and formats, a further departure, fueled by commercial, not purist interests.
Adam Clayman,
The 17th tee is far removed from the clubhouse.
Mike Trenham,
This would seem to indicate a vacilating policy with respect to extending extra hole matches.
Why # 1 one day, and # 17 another.
Tyler Kearns,
Not necessarily.
If it was a quarter-final, semi-final, final match or late match, it's doubtful that a return to the 17th tee would interfere with any ongoing matches.
Brett Hutto,
Why does the 19th hole have to be determined/set prior to the match, where is that a rule ?
I think this sets the tempo, at the local level, for hybrid formats which will break from tradition with previously practiced formats.
Et., al.,
How many club matches go extra holes without begining on the original starting hole ?