Crtics disagree sharply on this course. Those in the UK seem to rank it considerably higher than those in the US (Doak gives it less than a "7").An opinion that must be highly repected says of this course (slightly paraphrased):"If we were invited to make one definite choice as to the ideal golf course, we should without hesitation give our vote to this course. The level of excellence may be,if anything, a shade monotonous, a little lacking in the quality of variety which is perhaps the greatest essential of all. Perhaps too we feel that there is not quite that need for a continual mental agility that may be the quality we look for most in a great course: and, to be more hypercritical, we should regard the beauty of the floral display around the course as almost too luxurious to insure that classic severity which is usually associated with the rigour of the game."Please note: John V. won the first one. If you win this one, JOHN, you have to come up with the NAME THAT COURSE no. 3!