Here are some off the top of my head:
ODG = Old Dead Guys
Rees's Pieces - refers to clusters of bunkers Rees Jones used in some of his more criticized designs
Minimalism - notion that, as a general rule, natural contours create more interesting golf holes than man-made creations. Also carries some notion of making the artifical look natural.
Ass Pics - pictures of people hitting shots at a golf event.
Line of Instinct/Line of Charm - see Tommy's interview
Penal - can refer to a type of architecture designed to punish mistakes or (incorrectly) (imho) refer to a hazard that punishes severely.
imho - In my humble opinion
Big World Theory - Tom Paul theory that there are many different tastes in architecture and that is a good thing
Doak Scale - Geometric scale where 3 is an average course, 6 is the best course in a typical city, 9 is among the best in the world and 10 is one of the top 12 in the world. When someone assigns a Doak number to a course they almost always give too high of a number. Anything 6 or above is an extraordinarily good course.
Doak 0 - A course that is not only bad but involved a huge waste of resources to build.