In 1992 when I was first interested in GCA and GCM, I attended the New Orlean's GCSAA conference and took several of their continuing ed classes. One was GC renovation and remodelling, put on by Graves and Cornish. On one of the days (luncheons were part of the programs) I filed in to the dining room and we were just random seating at round tables, and when I sat down, not really knowing anyone in particular, I found myself seated next to Mr. Cornish, whose seminar I had just concluded attending. I was actually surprised that is the way it worked out for the seating. He then spent the entire lunch extending a very pleasant conversation with me about my interests in Bendelow, and that I was neighbors and friends with Art Johnson, who would not cooperate with Mr. Cornish in the compilation of the 'Architects bio's. (Art was a bit of a crumudgeon in that way) I was amazed that in the midst of the conference and demands for his time, that Mr Cornish would be so sociably conversant with someone who wasn't even actually in the business officially. As we dined, many folks came by his table seat to offer greetings, yet he continued his questions and conversation with me and really made me feel like I belonged, despite that I was only a hobbiest aspiring to develop a golf course project at that point. His curiosity and love of people, kind manner and talent as a natural educator, and most particularly one who was ever an ambassador for the profession of GCA, was truly outstanding.