I have read all these pages AND none of it has changed my mind on how I see the "free" rater stuff. I have owned or been partners in two golf courses. And would say this:
the average course probably gives away plenty of rounds they don't realize:
For instance our pro went on vacation one week and the salesmen from the Honda dealer come in to play. I go to ring them up and am told that they have a deal with the pro whereby they service his car and he takes care of their golf....same went for a local restaurant/bar(not to say this of all pros)
Way too much of that stuff going on out there these days. I know I COULD live like a king here in Cabo... for a very short period of time. The offers are plentiful and enticing but it is simply wrong. Truly amazing how turned off some get when you say you would prefer to pay when visiting their establishment.
Of course if a good sports bar were to come along...