Golf courses in England re-opened at midnight last night (NB for international GCA friends there are very important differences in lockdown policies between England/Scotland/Wales and N Ireland, not least around how 'local' you have to stay). If you could choose (say) the 10 am teetime at any one golf course in England for your return to the game, regardless of proximity, where would it be (and the English weather forecast for the next 48 hours is gorgeous, in the main)?
I think on a sunny spring morning I would be very happy indeed to be teeing up at RND Westward Ho! Although given inevitable post-lockdown rustiness I might more sensibly go for a slightly more gentlemanly challenge at Huntercombe or Swinley or New Zealand. Lunch has to be factored out of any thinking, for the time being. This is purely about the game. Which course would give you the greatest sense of exhilaration and release? The Ho! does it for me.