Jim Nugent asked about the wind similarity btw the original site for Lido and Streamsong.
While I don't have any historical or quantitative data to back this up, I believe, anecdotally (years of golf and windsurfing nearby), that the breezes that sweep the South shore of LI are mostly moderate during the golf season, absent any significant Atlantic storms or Nor'easters, usually prevalent in the Spring and Fall. Summer winds there aren't even "trade-strength" for the most part, instead rising to 10-15mph in the later afternoons for the most part.
Florida denizens can better opine, but in my multiple visits (ranging only from Dec-March) to Streamsong, I've noticed decent winds, especially in the pm hours. I don't know if that's seasonal, but I'd imagine any terrain on essentially a wide peninsula between two large bodies of water would favor some sort of consistent breezes.
I'd add that Streamsong, with it's abundance of potential for artificial elevations and natural or otherwise lakes and ponds, would be an absolutely ideal site for a Lido recreation. Much more so than a Sand Valley glacial moraine.