Tim - I don't like or think anyone actually needs a 7500 yard course, and I can probably agree with the 'essence' of the article and with most of what others have said here; but I think too many of us and much too often fall back/rely on conventional wisdom and consensus opinion when it comes to the 'sins' we don't like, and sometimes I feel like challenging that. For example, at JN's Muirfield this week, we have a 7,300 yard course, plus room for a huge driving range and practice area, plus room for specators and spectator mounds and corporate tents, all on about 220 acres. Now, 220 acres doesn't sound like a huge amount of land for any modern golf course, no matter who designed it or where it is. (In fact -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- by today's standards and by the standards of some of the modern greats, it's actually on the low side, acreage wise, especially considering all its extra 'tournament' needs). And when it comes to maintenance, I simply don't know how much putting tees back so that the golfer has to carry 200 yards of rough to reach the fairway instead of just 150 or 100 adds to the time and money involved. Again, I'm not so much disagreeing with the article as trying to point out some of the nuances in the debate, and some of the conventional wisdom that I'm not sure holds water (e.g. longer golf coruses use up a lot more land and cost more to maintain), and some of the ways in which we ourselves cause the problem by demanding 'greatness' at every turn.