Did they have more people on staff than they normally do? My understanding has always been that the reason bent grass courses play wet and slow when it is really hot and humid is not because you really need to soak the crap out of the grass to cool it off, just that it is easier to just turn on the sprinklers for a bit than it is to hand water and just give enough to keep the grass cool without soaking it. Or maybe your club just has enough money for hand watering to be the usual circumstance...
My home course just turns on the sprinklers and overwaters now during such conditions, but I remember when I was in high school they'd have people out hand watering all the greens every hour or two during the hot days. I still vividly remember one summer when they had a girl working on the grounds crew, and she'd be hand watering the greens wearing a string bikini. It wasn't easy to pay attention to what I was doing when she was anywhere on the course