Select your single, favorite architect for each position. Please provide one or more examples from their body of work to support your selection.
-No architect can play more than one role.
-Only 3 associate designers can be selected from any given design firm, even if they didn't always work together (e.g. Colt, MacKenzie, Allison).
-Architect can be live or deceased.
Project/Site Selection - Which architect most consistently sought and landed jobs on premium sites?
Routing - Which architect got the most out of the existing site features?
Hazard placement - Which architect was the best at fine-tuning the location and influence of playing obstacles during course construction?
Maintenance - Which architect produced courses that can be maintained relatively cheaply, consistently, and/or easily by superintendents in a manner that showcases their design?
Variety - Which architect is the most able to create superb designs features with divergent characteristics and styles from course to course?
Ingenuity - Which architect is the best at solving drainage, permitting issues (etc.) without sacrificing (perhaps even improving) course quality?
Inventiveness - Which architect is the most inventive/creative with regard to fresh design concepts?
Restoration - Which architect is most able to bring a fading classic back to its original, glorious state?
Redesign/renovation: Which architect most effectively improves upon existing courses, from subtle modifications to complete overhauls?
Emulation: Which architect most convincingly (and intentionally) imitates the style of other architects during the creation or new, “original” courses?
Stategy: Who consistently presents the best tests of a player’s decision-making faculties?
Green shaping- Who creates surfaces that are the most fun to putt on while also providing the finest strategic elements for approaches?
Aethetics- Who creates the most beautiful finished products?
Have fun!!!