Having seen and know the management team at Savannah Golf Club, I'm curious as to your statement above. They still overseed tees, greens and fairways, partly because they do not have cart paths throughout and the overseed protects the bermudagrass. Possibly the reason so much time was devoted to summertime maintenance was because of transition and summertime is also the time of year for verticutting, topdressing and aerifying. As a manager of turfgrass, there is NO WAY that I'd want to have ryegrass until June, which would not be properly maintaining grass. Bermudgrass needs 100 days of uninterrupted growth to gain what was lost to overseeding. Most courses in that area overseed the first of October and if you're holding on to ryegrass until June, you're going to be in trouble and things will be ugly!
I completely disagree with your statement that courses in the Charleston/HHI/Jacksonville should overseed and not worry about transition. We always had a lot of golf at Long Cove in the summer and many of the courses in those areas are housing developments, meaning many of those people live there year round and play golf year round. That's one of the biggest reasons NOT to overseed-to have a better playing surface year round.
Tony Nysse
Asst. Supt.
Colonial CC
Ft. Worth, TX