John K:
Bumping up Bandon Trails to a 9 on the Doak scale, when I say it's an 8, is b.s. (And so is Paul Turner's decision to call Pasatiempo semi-private.) MacKenzie eviscerated the field using Matthew's system.
The system does need tweaking -- at the very least, you should have to use different courses for each of his categories, as I tried to suggest earlier by asking that question.
Let's not beat this to death, but I do not see where you say Bandon Trails is an 8. Perhaps I should assume that no offered adjustment to my best guesses in post #17 implies I got it right the first time. All I'm really trying to accomplish is establishing a C&C number.
I suppose I'm willing to accept that you're the best GCAer at assigning Doak ratings. You're in your prime.
After thinking about it a bit more, this ranking system is not half bad. A $50 and under course category?
I thought about renaming myself Wayne Morrison for a couple days, and calculating a William Flynn ranking. Total score: 91.