Damn. I'm trying so hard too.
But yes, these guys in this business do simply deal with what they are given, and some are given better sites than others. I would concur that an assessment of what they do needs to take this into consideration.
But here's the other part... and this may or may not garner me any invites... I also find it pretty silly for us amateurs to even try to assess. We have no clue what obstacles are really faced... what work really has to be done, regulatory other otherwise... what choices are made, or forced upon them... what the site did or didn't allow....and thus to make an assessment of the "architecture" of a golf course without this knowledge just seems to me to be very, very silly.
It may be a matter of semantics, but it's misused so often in here, I think it goes beyond that.
Us normal joes who play the game CAN and SHOULD assess "golf courses. We can say what we liked and didn't like about them - that would be all in the playing of the game on them, and what we feel and see as we do so.
But to take it further and criticize the "architecture", well... that's going too far. Those in the business, those with knowledge of all that was involved in a course's creation - THEY have the proper tools and knowledge to make such an assessment.
And I say ONLY they do.
So you won't find me assessing architecture. Golf courses, yes. Architecture, hell no.
But, to each his own.