This has probably been discussed on here many times before,[/size] but I am a combination of inept at the search function and also lazy, so in the interest of time here goes. I am not a NYC and surrounding area expert so I am not even sure how to describe the area properly (Brooklyn? Queens? Western Long Island?). And don't know really anything about traffic patterns, etc, so any comments are welcomed.I am flying in to Newark early this Monday am, and cannot really plan anything concrete golf wise for Monday at this point because I am leaving my schedule a little loose and flexible as I wait to hear back on a possible bucket list round for me. So until I hear back on that, possibly at the very last minute, I am wanting to keep my options open and flexible.I need to meet a customer in Great Neck for dinner at about 7pm.Knowing those early day and late day parameters where all would you recommend I should consider trying to get out to play? Anything architecturally significant that makes sense? Might even just be thinking about 9 holes late morning that I could convert into 18 depending on what I hear about other developments regarding my afternoon schedule.I was glancing at golf now just to see a map of public courses that might be on that general route between Newark and Great Neck, and some names that sort of sounded familiar popped up. Dyker Beach, Marine Park, The GC at Middle Bay. Would love to hear peoples thoughts.